000 ~ OPPORTUNITY: A new beginning is near
111 ~ INTUITION: Trust your gut & listen to your heart
222 ~ ALIGNMENT: You’re exactly where you need to be right now
333 ~ SUPPORT: Your spiritual guides are sending you support & guidance
444 ~ PROTECTION: The universe and your spiritual guides are protecting you
555 ~ CHANGE: A new beginning is on the horizon
666 ~ REFLECTION: A reminder to refocus your thoughts & let go of what is holding you back
777 ~ LUCK: Wonderful things are about to happen
888 ~ BALANCE: Everything is falling into place according to its intended path
999 ~ RELEASE: It’s time to let go of what no longer serves you
111 ~ INTUITION: Trust your gut & listen to your heart
222 ~ ALIGNMENT: You’re exactly where you need to be right now
333 ~ SUPPORT: Your spiritual guides are sending you support & guidance
444 ~ PROTECTION: The universe and your spiritual guides are protecting you
555 ~ CHANGE: A new beginning is on the horizon
666 ~ REFLECTION: A reminder to refocus your thoughts & let go of what is holding you back
777 ~ LUCK: Wonderful things are about to happen
888 ~ BALANCE: Everything is falling into place according to its intended path
999 ~ RELEASE: It’s time to let go of what no longer serves you